“CE marking” is a process that applies to a wide variety of products and one in which manufacturers located in the EU or importers of goods into the EU must complete. D.L.S. performs testing to show compliance for product safety under the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU, Medical Device Regulations 2017/745, Machinery Regulation EU 2023/1230, and the safety requirements found in the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/35/EU. If a product falls within the scope of at least one of the CE marking directives and is not specifically excluded, it must be CE marked. Once the applicable directives are identified the product must be designed & tested to meet the directives. Once you have demonstrated you have fulfilled the essential requirements of the directive, a technical file is assembled and a declaration of conformity is produced.
Standards we test to include:
- EN IEC 60204 (Machinery)
- EN IEC 60335 (HHA)
- EN IEC 60950 (ITE)
- EN IEC 62368-1 Multimedia Equipment
- EN IEC 60601-1 (Medical)
- EN IEC 61010 (Lab, Measurement, Control)
- EN IEC 62368-1 (Audio, Video, Information and Communication Technology, Business and Office Machines)
- RoHS – Reduction of Hazardous Substances
Please call us today to see how D.L.S. can help you to obtain the CE mark.
D.L.S. also performs EMC CE Compliance testing and offers Step-by-Step CE Procedures and Updates on the RED, EMC and LVD Directives.